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CISA References CISA References - Standards Home > About > ISACA > Standards http://www.isaca.org/standards - COBIT Home > Members & Leaders > COBIT http://www.isaca.org/cobit - Downloads Home > About > ISACA > Downloads http://www.isaca.org/downloads - ITGI http://www.itgi.org/ - IIA ITAudit portal and GTAGs http://www.theiia.org/guidance/technology/ - CISA Exam Bulletin of Information (BOI) http://www.isaca.o.. 더보기
Glossary of Terms(CISA) Glossary of Terms(CISA) source : http://www.isaca.org/Template.cfm?Section=Glossary1&Template=/CustomSource/glossary.cfm Term Definition Abend An abnormal end to a computer job; termination of a task prior to its completion because of an error condition that cannot be resolved by recovery facilities while the task is executing Access control The process that limits and controls access to resourc.. 더보기
사업지속계획 및 재해복구계획(BCP/DRP) 주제(Subject) -------------------------------------------------------- 한글(약어) : 사업지속계획 및 재해복구계획() 영어(약어) : Business Contingency Plan & Disaster Recovery Plan(BCP/DRP) 관련개념(Related Concepts) -------------------------------------------------------- - 재해복구(Disaster Recovery Plan) - 사업지속(Business Continuity Plan) - 사업영향분석(Business Impact Analysis) 개요(Summary) ------------------------------------------.. 더보기
보안 공격 (Security Threats & Attack) 주제(Subject) -------------------------------------------------------- 한글(약어) : 보안 공격() 영어(약어) : security attack() 관련개념(Related Concepts) -------------------------------------------------------- 정보보호 Information Security 보안 개요(Summary) -------------------------------------------------------- - 수동적 공격과 능동적 공격으로 구분됨. - 수동적 공격이란, 정보를 중간에서 가로채거나 도청하거나 캡쳐하는 등 데이터의 특성을 파악하기만 하는 수준의 위협을 말함. - 능동적 공격이란, 시.. 더보기
