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세계의 맥주 - 벨기에 레페(Leffe) 본문

B5: 이전예정

세계의 맥주 - 벨기에 레페(Leffe)

Author 2006. 8. 25. 00:02
넓은 주둥이를 가진 레페잔에 따라 마시는 맥주. 흑맥주 레페브라운은 눈으로 보기에 검은 빛을 띄어 쓴 맛이 날 것 같지만 전혀 그렇지 않다. 단, 특별한 맛이 느껴지지도 않는다.

레페의 종류(from Wikipedia)---------------------------------------------------------------

Leffe Blonde (6.6% ABV) is a dry, fruity, lightly spiced beer and is quite full and creamy.

Leffe Brune
(6.5% ABV) is more rich and profound than Leffe Blonde. It is slightly less fruity and tends to be heavier than Blonde.

Leffe Triple
is stronger (8.4% ABV) with a very rich taste that has hints of orange, vanilla and lemon.

Leffe Radieuse
and Leffe Vieille Cuvée are both strong beers (8.4% ABV) with a very dominant fruity taste. Radieuse tends to be more fruity while the Vieille Cuvée is creamy.
