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ISO 9126 본문
한글(약어) : ISO 9126()
영어(약어) : ISO 9126()
관련개념(Related Concepts)
ISO 9000
ISO 9126은 SW가 가져야 하는 품질특성과 측정 척도를 규정하고 있다. ISO 9126에 의거하여 ISO 14598이 제정되었다.
Once a software system is functioning, as specified, and delivered the reliability characteristic defines the capability of the system to maintain its service provision under defined conditions for defined periods of time. One aspect of this characteristic is fault tolerance that is the ability of a system to withstand component failure. For example if the network goes down for 20 seconds then comes back the system should be able to recover and continue functioning.
Usability only exists with regard to functionality and refers to the ease of use for a given function. For example a function of an ATM machine is to dispense cash as requested. Placing common amounts on the screen for selection, i.e. $20.00, $40.00, $100.00 etc, does not impact the function of the ATM but addresses the Usability of the function. The ability to learn how to use a system (learnability) is also a major subcharacteristic of usability.
This characteristic is concerned with the system resources used when providing the required functionality. The amount of disk space, memory, network etc. provides a good indication of this characteristic. As with a number of these characteristics, there are overlaps. For example the usability of a system is influenced by the system's Performance, in that if a system takes 3 hours to respond the system would not be easy to use although the essential issue is a performance or efficiency characteristic.
The ability to identify and fix a fault within a software component is what the maintainability characteristic addresses. In other software quality models this characteristic is referenced as supportability. Maintainability is impacted by code readability or complexity as well as modularization. Anything that helps with identifying the cause of a fault and then fixing the fault is the concern of maintainability. Also the ability to verify (or test) a system, i.e. testability, is one of the subcharacteristics of maintainability.
This characteristic refers to how well the software can adopt to changes in its environment or with its requirements. The subcharacteristics of this characteristic include adaptability. Object oriented design and implementation practices can contribute to the extent to which this characteristic is present in a given system.
블로그,개인 홈페이지 등(Humanities)
* 한국어(Korean)
저자. 역자. "제목". 출판사. 출판년도. (ISBN:)
* 영어(English)
저자. 제목, 판, 출판사. 출판년도. (ISBN:)
1. Wikipedia : ISO 9126
2. Google Search : type [ISO 9126]@google
3. ISO 9126 Software Quality Characteristics
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