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Checkstyle open source plug-in The Eclipse Checkstyle plug-in integrates the Checkstyle Java code auditor into the Eclipse IDE. The plug-in provides real-time feedback to the user about violations of rules that check for coding style and possible error prone code constructs. http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=590162 Eclipse Distilled by David Carlson ---------------------------------------------------------------.. 더보기
Eclipse IDE (Pocket Guide) 한글제목(Korean) 영문제목(English) Eclipse IDE (Pocket Guide) ISBN 0-596-10065-5 Amazon 기간(Reading in) 2006/10/07-2006/10/07 평가(5단계,Rate) ★★★ 관련서적(Similar Books) 요약(Summary) - Eclipse설치, 퍼스펙티브 사용법, 뷰 사용법 - 디버깅, 테스트(JUnit) - 단축키, 기타 이클립스의 부가기능에 대한 설명 - 새롭게 알게 된 것 : scrapbook기능이라는 것을 이 책을 통해 처음 알았음 - 이 책은 Eclipse 초보자에게 적합함 이 책을 읽은 다른 사람들(Other Readers) 목차(Table of Contents) Chapter 1. Introduction Section.. 더보기
Eclipse 3.2 단축키 CategoryCommandKey SequenceWhenEditContent AssistCtrl+SpaceIn Dialogs and WindowsEditContext InformationCtrl+Shift+SpaceIn WindowsEditCopyCtrl+CIn Dialogs and WindowsEditCopyCtrl+InsertIn Dialogs and WindowsEditCutCtrl+XIn Dialogs and WindowsEditCutShift+DeleteIn Dialogs and WindowsEditDeleteDeleteIn WindowsEditFind NextCtrl+KEditing TextEditFind PreviousCtrl+Shift+KEditing TextEditFind and Repl.. 더보기
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