Digital Intelligence

Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)의 창시자 Peter Pin-Shan Chen 본문

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Entity-Relationship Model (ER Model)의 창시자 Peter Pin-Shan Chen

Author 2006. 11. 19. 15:15

His Homepage

위 홈페이지의 Paper를 참조하면 ER을 최초 소개한 그의 논문(앞쪽 5페이지)를 찾을 수 있다.
The Entity-Relationship Model--Toward a Unified View of Data (only the first 5 pages of the 28-page paper)  ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1976, Pages 9 - 36  (file size: 1.68 Meg bytes) .  (Note: only the first 5 pages of the paper are provided here.  For the full paper, please download it from the ACM Digital Library by searching “Peter Pin-Shan Chen” or “Peter Chen”. ) (This paper is one of the most cited papers in the computer field.  It was selected as one of the most influential papers in computer science in a survey of over 1,000 computer science professors.)

국립대만대학교 졸업, 하바드에서 박사학위 취득 후 루이지애나 주립대학 교수.
